Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009,Hello 2010

*uber long post*
The year is gonna end in like hours time.I had my very first performance on the guitar in school.

Had a great night with the performers last night:DThis year had passed by exceptionally fast.

A year full of ups and downs.

Alright, let's recap on what I have set for this year during Jan.

New Year Resolutions~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1)Better Grades!GPA:3.3?

2)Better phototaking skills!

3)May what I wished and hope come true!

4)Last!Cut down a bit on alcohol~HEHE~

Alright ultimately I've completed one onnly.I had a improved my phototaking skills by just that lil' bit,I guess.

Reflection Time:D


It's still maintain I hope.Things wouldn't too smooth for Year 2.1 cause of the numerous activities I had over the time. GPA suffered definitely haha! So decided to buck up a little bit so that I can at least improve in my grades. So far so good for 2.2.


It's almost a year since I start practicing guitar with the song Always be my Baby cover by David Cook. Glad that I can play several songs now and at least the songs I like. So as for this segment, it's much of an accomplishment.

Carried on from 01/01/2010, 2:12Am


Took up the role as a President of a club. It wasn't easy to be the one to be in front bringing up the club morale and to move on with events. Hiccups are inevitable in events and without hiccups we wouldn't know where to improve:D

It's soon that I will have to step down and leave TP cause I'm on my way to Year 3. A bit early but still, best wishes to all the new main Comm.

Personal Misc

The year 2009 was a year that I had been through with little hiccups. For personal life, I really appreciate that I had close to confide to. I made many friends last year but lose some too. In any case, it's over.

I 've to admit that I did grew up a bit over the last year cause of the encounters I had over the year. There are several people that I would really like to thank to:

-Estee: Thanks for being there to listen to my nonsense after the runs and during our coffee sessions at Ah Chew's or Ya Kun. Giving me advices on the troubles I had. It's a new year already and I hope you will do well in ur studies and try to have more runs this year!Thanks Cousin:D

-Fishy Gang: Thanks for being there to listen to my whines, also to give me harsh yet caring advices and comments. Let's all have a great year ahead and more meet ups too:D

-Wyman and Gang:My nonsense clique that had been sucha fun and pain in the ass in school.Love the comapny with you guys:D more crazy things this year eh!haha!!

-Jia Ying:I remembered how the 2 of us just click cause of Mayday songs the last few months back. Writing lyrics was like magnificent and yours is normally so wow~ haha! More of em this year alright!

To the rest of my dear friends: of course you are not forgotten:D Thanks for the help rendered. Without you guys, my year wouldn't be that smooth either:DThanks alot*90 degrees bow*

New Year Resolutions

As for new year resolutions, I won't ask for much:

1)Everyone around me blessed and healthy.

2)Learn more songs this year.More lyrics, happy ones.

3)Smooth year ahead for me:)

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